
Showing posts from 2013

Merry Holidays, or Happy Christmas?

There was a time when everyone said, Merry Christmas, and it was 'politically correct'. Now a days, we have changed it to 'Happy Holidays' to spare the smorgasbord of nationalities and religions that come from around the world. Is it technology that has made us more aware of the differences, or is it that we are packed so tightly into our social communities that we have to compromise? I, for one, don't mind. It's only when I trip over my words and start with Merry, ending up with Holidays, or perhaps Happy, then Christmas. It's been ingrained in me for over fifty years. Please forgive me if I don't get it right. This old dog is learning. Regardless of which way it's said, the sentiment is the same. Have a wonderful holiday week when friends and family come together in the spirit of love and friendship. There is nothing like it. Be safe, don't drink and drive, and watch out for reindeer. Franny Armstrong

Christmas Romance 2013

What is it about romance that makes love float through your veins like a wave of lightning. The first and only time I fell in true love was when I met my husband. He isn't what I'd consider a romantic man, his idea of it was burping 'I love you', and that hasn't happened in many years. Do I miss it? Not so much. I know he loves me, my hero, as he gets out of bed each day and goes to work to support us. He's a great man, even when he pisses me off. lol How is it that love makes our heart sing? Is it by a touch, a sound, a simple smile? What makes your heart sing? This year, I strive for good health and a healthy romance with my one true love. What more could you ask for when Christmas morning comes that a kiss under the mistletoe? Love comes in all shapes and sizes. I think I'll keep mine, burping or not. Merry Christmas, my friends. May you find a mistletoe with your names on it. Franny Armstrong

Slipping into blank mode half way through a story

Working on my NaNoWriMo story and nearing the halfway mark. Somehow my imagination is slipping. Do you write? Do you keep going no matter what? Persistence is the key to finishing a tale. I sometimes slip into blank mode and have to switch to a different story or do something simple like knitting or watching tv shows. It's not a procrastination but a way to keep myself busy until the words come once again. How do you get past the writer's block?

Revving up for a new year of books

After being out of 'service' for some time now, I'm just revving up for new books to come out this year. I have two publishers and I'm working diligently to reacquaint myself with my online friends from cyberspace. One question that always crosses my mind is; "Why is it some people like Kelly Armstrong, author extraordinaire, has, not only great book deals but is supposed to be a movie mogul with her Gathering book. She's from my own Toronto Romance Writer's Association and has leapt into fame and good faith. I want the same thing but haven't figured it out yet. No worries though. I'm game to just write because I LOVE it! That seems to be the most important factor for me. What is your say? Franny Armstrong

Dragging myself back into writing.

I love to write, I really do. After having a breakdown, I stopped writing for a few years. Today is the first day of the rest of my the saying goes. I'd thought that my writing skills had disappeared but that's not so. Each word I put to the computer brings me closer to where I was two years ago. I'm back and ready to roll. It was my belief that I'd lost the love of creating new worlds with new characters. I'm happy to say I was wrong. Like the proverbial riding a bicycle, I haven't forgotten how. How do you deal with the things that hold you back from writing? Never give up! Franny 2013