Brevity of Twit Release Info:

Hello World!  No really. This isn’t the rote WordPress hello, it’s me, author KD Rose saying “Hi.”  I’ve been absent awhile due to illness and now I’m back. I’m here, maybe not running with the bulls but at least hobbling with the um, well, chronically pretty darn god-awful ill.  But enough about that. I’m all about keeping it positive (except when I’m not). But see- things are looking up! Literally. This is a view from my yard so life can’t be all bad.

Add to that a wonderful husband, family, and even a wonderful publisher and I have a reason to dig out the old keyboard again. Ok, it was actually replace the new wireless keyboard which didn’t work worth squat with the old wired up keyboard that still works just fine, but that’s technical life for a plebian.

I’m posting on this date to mention that despite everything I have a new book coming out on May 21st, 2015- exactly one short week from now. Titled The Brevity of Twit, this humorous book is everything I used to be. Using the Twitter forum as a scroll, The Brevity of Twit yields humor, insight, and poetic vigor in a light read that will both lift your spirits and make you ponder. So take a gander. My publisher decided to publish it despite the absence of the entire being of the author (me). What more can an author ask for? The book will be on Amazon and other neat sites. I’ll post the links once the book is live.
In the meantime I’m going to un-pause and reinvigorate. It’s been awhile since I’ve sipped the creative nectar and I’m sure it will be as sweet, tangy, and ironic as I remember.

A witty walk through the minefield of tweeting, twitter, and the many uses we have socially for it. From serious poetry to a scandalous take on improper grammar, this fast paced take on the brevity of chatting in 140 characters or less will have you falling in love with tweeting all over again.


Trending is when thousands of people across a state, country, countries, or continents, (depending on your settings) all decide to tweet about the same topic. This usually involves hashtags, a topic listed under "Trending," and many, many people looking for their moment in the spotlight. Generally, trends are about something happening on social media, the news, movies, music, or taking place in the world at the moment. New releases, and celebrities often dominate. Celebrity deaths and death hoaxes also make their appearance. For example, as I write, #royalbaby is trending because that news was just announced and 3— not 1, not 2, but 3 trending subjects are about 1Direction. There is also a #HappyBDayCamCam trending about someone named Cameron Dallas who has 3.4 Million Twitter followers, and I don't know who he is because, well, I'm old.

Not that these aren't THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS EVER, but occasionally, just occasionally something will trend that is interesting to writers, or nerds, or writer-nerds like me. Sometimes these are more local trending subjects, but occasionally even God arises and says- "I am TIRED of Chris Brown, and Margaret Atwood is not tweeting today— Let the Higgs-Boson Particle be found!" Then suddenly science nerds and writer nerds and wordplay nerds form a bond. Higgs-Boson trends, writers have a field day, scientists nash their teeth at all the incorrect explanations going around, thunder claps, rivers overflow, and for a brief moment, even science makes twitter news.

Higgs-Boson Tweets:
•Higgs Boson- "The Force is strong with that one."#laymangeekbutIcanthelpit
•Ok Kids: Higgs, Top Quark, Ultra High Energy Ray, TOE. In that order. I'll be waiting for a report at dinner. Higgs Boson
•Wow- articles are now out saying US sees stronger hints of Higgs. Way to grab the spotlight for a dead collider. CERN is EU. Higgs Boson
•True- the US found hints of Higgs Boson too, but wasnt up to more so it was kind of expected from CERN. Atom Smasher suffers collider envy.
•They might have found Higgs Boson. They might have not. Schrodinger is happy.
•Oh my- Higgs is now trending without Boson. Seriously!
•People who can make Higgs Boson jokes return my faith in humanity.
•Higgs Boson? How quaint. Where's the (S)top Quark? What- did I just suck all the air out of CERN? Oh no wait that's another experiment.
•Higgs Boson Why Science Works: There is no religion around supersymmetry.

Author Bio:
K.D. Rose is an author and poet. With fellow authors around the globe, KD was also a founding member of the e-magazine, INNOVATE. K.D.'s book, "Inside Sorrow" won the Readers Favorite 2013 international Silver Medal for Poetry.
K.D. has an eclectic mind and loves language, physics, philosophy, photography, design, art of all kinds, writing of all kinds, symbolism, semiotics, spirituality, and Dr. Who.
K.D. Rose values the question more than the answer and loves creativity and innovation.
KD Rose is an avid supporter of music, the arts, cutting edge science, technology, and creativity in all forms that encourage us to expand and explore past the artificial limits we often set for ourselves in order to see the everyday connections that exist among all things.
She also currently has "Heavy Bags of Soul", "Inside Sorrow", and "I AM" - on sale at Amazon and other retailers.
Join K D Rose on the following social media sites:
Twitter: @kdrose1


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