Why do authors do cover reveals?

If you follow many authors and/or blogs that feature authors (like this one perhaps), you probably see some cover reveals from time to time. Usually they take place before the book is out, so you may be wondering why authors do this. Well for one thing, the cover is a vitally important part of the book and whether or not people want to pick it up to read too. It is also a way to say thank you to the cover artists out there who are often underappreciated in the publishing industry. They are artists make no mistake about it and they deserve to have the spotlight shined on their work. Think of cover reveals as a gallery show for cover artists, a chance for people to appreciate their art simply for the art. It is also a time for the author to just sit back and appreciate that their hard work has paid off. A cover reveal is the calm before and after the storm. They have survived writing and editing their baby and it's not yet time to get out there and promote like crazy. It's a chance to say "Ah, I did it! I wrote a book and it has a beautiful cover." It's like when new parents want to share the photos of their babies with the world, it's a moment of pure joy!

And that is what the lovely Dawn Brower is sharing with us today, her latest moment of pure joy!

Here is her baby! And isn't it beautiful!

The year is 1941 and paradise is a way of life in Hawaii. For Rebecca O'Shea things couldn’t be more perfect. She has her dream career as a naval nurse, and is in love with the man of her dreams—it seems she has it all.
An empathic gift she's had all her life starts to grow, showering her with emotions and premonitions that suggest a great darkness is near. Just when she thinks she cannot take anymore her guardian, Joel, arrives to help her.

Rebecca's life is thrown into chaos when war hits Hawaii's shore. As the Japanese bomb her home, her gift explodes within her. Loss and pain become her new way of life. She abandons all hope and shuts down her empathic abilities. With bodies littering the hospitals and seas, her calling as a nurse is put to good use, but her heart remains unreachable. Can she find her way out of the blackness and accept her true fate? Or will the prevailing death and destruction of war consume her?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/DawnMarieBrower
Twitter: www.twittter.com/dawnab33
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8062943.Dawn_Brower
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dawn-Brower/e/B00KBBRW5E/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1422936275&sr=8-1
Newsletter: http://www.authordawnbrower.com/newsletter.html
Blog: https://dawnbrower.wordpress.com/
Broken Pearl is published by Three Worlds Press. For more information on this book or their other works please visit: http://www.threeworldsproductionsllc.com/.

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